경제분야 누리집 - 서울특별시



Call for Proposals: ‘2024 Seoul ODA Challenge Program’

글로벌도시정책관 국제협력담당관
Call for Proposals: ‘2024 Seoul ODA Challenge Program’

With a sense of global responsibility, SMG is actively promoting international development cooperation aimed at fostering sustainable urban development and improving the quality of life in cities across developing countries.

As part of our commitment to global cooperation, International Development Cooperation Division of SMG is taking the lead in planning assistance programs and the Seoul Urban Solutions Agency (SUSA) serves as a dedicated organization responsible for implementing specific projects. Through these initiatives, Seoul's expertise and solutions in various domains are being utilized to address urban challenges over the world.

In this context, SMG has planned the "2024 Seoul ODA Challenge Program" to encourage collaboration and tackle urban challenges by consolidating resources, knowledge and expertise. Now SMG hereby invites applications from those interested in participating in this collaborative effort.


  1. Program Introduction
  • (Program Name) 2024 Seoul ODA Challenge Program
  • (Program Type) a) Master planning (M/P), b) Preliminary Feasibility Studies (pre-F/S), c) Policy advisory d) Concept Planning, e) Pilot project and f) Capacity building
  • (Purpose) The program aims to address critical challenges faced by cities in developing countries, with a focus on promoting inclusive and sustainable urban development.
  • (Funding per project) Up to 300 million KRW (approximately 250,000 USD)


  1. Application and Target projects
  • (Eligible Applicants) Local governments of ODA recipient countries (based on 2024 OECD DAC)
    • Prioritize applications for projects that urgently seek to solve pending problems in the city.
    • Only one project can be applied for in each city per applicant.
  • (Target Projects) Projects that can solve urban problems in developing countries by using Seoul City’s best practices
    • Fields: Contents necessary for city management policies such as transportation, smart city, environment (energy, waste), welfare, education, etc.
    • ※ Refer to the List of Seoul’s Best Practices and policies. (Site link: //seoulsolution.kr)


  1. How to Apply
  • (Application period) 6th – Apr. 5th 2024
  • (Application documents)

- Official letter signed or stamped by mayor/governor of the city or chief of the institution

- Program application including summary of target project (Refer to the Attachment: Application form)

- Other supporting documents, if any.

  • (Submission method) By email (electric documents)
  • (Recipient) International Development Cooperation Division of Seoul Metropolitan Government, Korea

- Email: SeoulODA@seoul.go.kr


  1. Schedule
  • March 2024: Program notice
  • Early April 2024: Application submission
  • April-May 2024: Selection of projects
  • May-June 2024: Field trip for project scoping
  • July-August 2024: Selection of consultant
  • September 2024 ~: Project implementation


  1. Others
  • Applicants eligible for the program will be restricted to local governments and public-sector entities affiliated with the governments.
  • Due to budgetary constraints, not all submitted projects may be approved for application.
  • For further information, please contact SMG International Development Cooperation Division (SeoulODA@seoul.go.kr) or SUSA(susa.or.kr).



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