복지분야 누리집 - 서울특별시



Zika Virus Disease Information for Travelers


Zika Virus Disease Information for Travelers

▶ What is Zika Virus Disease?

  • Zika virus is a disease caused by the Zika virus,

which is spread to people through the bite of

an Aedes species mosquito infected with Zika virus.

  • Zika virus is also transmitted to people through

sexual contact or blood transfusion.


▶ What are the most common symptoms of Zika Virus?

  • The illness is usually mild with symptoms

-fever, rash, joint pain and red eyes-

lasting for several days to a week.

  • Zika virus infection during pregnancy can

cause a serious brain defect called


▶ Where are the areas mosquito-borne transmission of Zika virus

is reported?


▶ What should I do in Korea after visiting places where

Zika virus transmission is reported?

  • If you have symptoms of Zika virus disease within 2 weeks,

let the doctor know your travel history of any kind.

  • Wear condoms to prevent sexual transmission of Zika virus.
  • Do not perform as a donor of blood transfusion within a month.

If you have any questions about Zika virus

\ ☞ Call 1339 (Translation avaliable)


▶ How do I prevent Zika virus infection?

  • Avoid mosquito bite (Mosquito is active during the day)

Use Mosquito Net Wear long sleeves and Use Pesticide

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